All All. Sign In. Cinema of Turkey: Top Directors. List activity. Atif Yilmaz. Atif Yilmaz Batibeki was a renowned Turkish film director, screenwriter, and film producer. After graduating from the Academy, he did some painting works in workshops. His education in painting helped him when he was directing his movies, as he once remarked. In the beginning, he worked as a film critic, made paintings and wrote film scripts to earn a living. After co-directing two movies as an assistant director to Semih Evin inhis directing career began with the film Kanli Feryat The Bloody Cry. Inhe established his film company "Yerli Film" with the actor Orhan Günsiray. He made movies that were both fluent and had mainly social messages. Most of the themes of his movies were taboo when they were produced. Particularly "Mine" and "Her Name is Vasfiye" were both revolutionary at the time of their release with themes regarding sexuality and the reaction of society. He never gave up making movies throughout his life and even in the time when the industry stopped filmmaking due to economic reasons. During the Antalya Film Festival in Septemberhe was admitted to hospital with gastro-intestinal complaints. He died on 5 May in Istanbul. Ertem Egilmez. Ertem Egilmez was born on 18 February in Trabzon, Izmir Escort Mine Minege. He died on 21 September in Istanbul, Turkey. Osman F. Director Writer Producer Hindistan Cevizi Seden was born on 22 Izmir Escort Mine Minege in Istanbul, Turkey. He died on 1 September in Istanbul, Turkey. Zeki Ökten. Zeki Ökten was born on 4 August in Istanbul, Turkey. He was married to Güler Ökten. He died on 19 December in Istanbul, Turkey. Lütfi Ö. Director Writer Editor The Wedding Turkish film director, screenwriter, academician. Who directed movies from to Inhe debuted as a film director with Vurun Kahpeye "Strike the Whore" an adaptation of Halide Edip Adivar's book of the same title. He became one of the pioneers of the period in the "Director Generation". Afterwards, he withdrew from movie making instead directing adaptations for TV. Akad was born on September 2, Beside his occupation as financial advisor at Sema Film company, he wrote articles on theatre and cinema. He died on 19 November at the age of 95 in Istanbul. Orhan Aksoy. He was a director and writer, known for Hayat mi Bu? He died on 22 January in Istanbul, Turkey.
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