This study aimed to measure the adequacy of green areas in Denizli city center in Turkiye and its immediate surroundings and the services provided to improve the air quality of the city. In this context, Denizli central districts Pamukkale and Merkezefendi and green areas located in the city center were taken as the study area. The adequacy of green areas was examined within the framework of the accessibility of the area and the population ratio of the neighborhoods. According to the analysis results, only two of the active green areas are inaccessible. Of the neighbourhoods within the study area boundaries, it was found that the amount of green space per capita was insufficient in only 11 neighbourhoods. In addition, it was determined that active green areas remove approximately 4. With the study, the social adequacy of the green areas in Denizli city center was evaluated, while their ecological and economic contributions to the city Escort 0507 010 58 84 also revealed. The evaluations made will contribute to urban planning studies while revealing the current situation. Cool surfaces and shade trees to reduce energy use and improve air quality in urban areas. Sol Energy. Akimoto H. Global air quality and pollution. Science— Avrupa Komisyonu. COM final, Brussels, 11 p. Flynn KM. Disentangling the connections: A network analysis of approaches to urban green infrastructure. Contribution of ecosystem services to air quality and climate changemitigation policies: the case of urban forests in Barcelona, Spain. Ambio 43 4 ,— Bekkouche A. L'espace vert urbain public: entre pratique et conception. Insaniyat - Revue algerienne d'anthropologie et de science social. Espace habites, 2, Burden of disease from household air pollution for Burdziej J. A Web-based spatial decision support system for accessibility analysis—concepts and methods. Appl Geomat 4, 75—84 Multi-criteria spatial analysis of land accessibility for seismic operations. Annals of Geomatics 2 32 — Using a GIS-based network analysis to determine urban greenspace accessibility for different ethnic and religious groups, Landscape and Urban Planning, vol. Dünya Sağlık Örgütü. Geneva: World Health Organization; Erkip Beler F. Faiz A. Automotive emissions in developing countries-relative implications Escort 0507 010 58 84 global warming: acidification and urban air quality. A: Policy Pract. Felder S, Brinkmann H. Florides GA, Christodoulides P. Global warming and carbon dioxide through sciences. Environment International 35 Global health estimates. Classifying and valuing ecosystem services for urban planning. Ecological Economics, 86, The Technical Notes of Software.
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